Contact and Legal Information


Contact and Legal Information

Legal information (German Telemedia Act (TMG) and other legislation)

HUBSCHMITZ Architekten Joenne Hub-Strobl und Marcus Schmitz GbR

Office address in Lübeck:

23552 Lübeck

represented by:

Joenne Hub-Strobl, Dipl.-Arch. ETH
Marcus Schmitz, Dipl.-Arch. ETH

VAT ID number in accordance with section 27a German VAT Act (UStG):
DE 322575626

Chamber of Architects:

Architekten- und Ingenieurkammer Schleswig-Holstein, Düsternbrooker Weg 71, 24105 Kiel |

Professional regulations and the Fee Structure for Architects and Engineers (HOAI) apply, see also and the Act on Chambers of Architects and Engineers - ArchIngKG S-H

phone: +49 451 70727999
fax: +49 451 70727998

HUBSCHMITZ Architekten Joenne Hub-Strobl und Marcus Schmitz GmbH

Office address in Zürich:
Hofackerstrasse 86
8032 Zürich

Managing director:
Marcus Schmitz, Dipl.-Arch. ETH

Commercial register Zürich, Commercial register Number:CH-
VAT ID number: CHE-473.149.924

phone: +41 78 8807866

Photographic Works for HUBSCHMITZ Architects:
Veit Landwehr, Maybachstr. 96, 50670 Köln
Film for HUBSCHMITZ Architects:
Tom May, Maybachstr. 96, 50670 Köln
Creator of design: ntry, design and code, Jan Hagge
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